• Getting Involved in Agile as a High Schooler

      As a high schooler myself, I know firsthand the difficulties of getting involved in Agile. Most opportunities and resources are geared towards adults who are already working in the industry, which is why I hadn’t even heard about Agile until the beginning of this summer. Without connections, I’m not sure I would have been able to get involved and learn about what Agile is. If we want to evolve as a community, I believe we should focus on reaching younger audiences.

      It’s important to recognize that the future of Agile lies in the hands of the next generation. By passing the torch, we ensure that the principles and practices continue to evolve and stay relevant in a rapidly changing world. Younger generations bring fresh perspectives, new ideas, and a unique energy that can drive innovation in Agile. By involving and mentoring the younger generation now, we’re investing in the long-term growth and sustainability of the Agile community.

      There are also several ways we can make it easier for young adults to learn about and get involved in Agile. Here are a few ideas:

      • Starting high school Agile clubs: This would be a great way to connect with other students who are interested in Agile and to learn more about the methodology. We could invite guest speakers from local Agile companies, host workshops, and even compete in Agile competitions.

      • Volunteering opportunities with Agile organizations: There are a number of Agile organizations that offer volunteer opportunities for high school students. This is a great way to give back to the Agile community while learning more about Agile. Making these opportunities more accessible to high schoolers would definitely increase the interest and participation of young people in Agile.

      What do you all think? How can we make it easier for young adults to get involved in Agile? Let’s discuss!

      Nelson Ingle, Tolu Ojewunmi and 2 others