• Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

      Making a career change is daunting..

      But these 6 tips can ease your anxiety:

      Assess Your Skills:

      ↳ Evaluate your strengths. Identify skills and align them with new career options.

      Research and Explore:

      ↳ Research trends, roles, and required skills to gain clarity.

      Network and Connect:

      ↳ Attend events, join groups, and book calls to expand your network.

      UpSkill and Learn:

      ↳ Fill in skill gaps with courses, certifications, or workshops.

      Gain Experience:

      ↳ Volunteer, freelance, or take on part-time roles to gain experience.

      Tailored Resume:

      ↳ Highlight cross skills and experiences to showcase your new role.

      Seek Mentorship:

      ↳ Find a mentor who can provide insights, advice, and support as you navigate the journey.

      Embrace the journey.

      Focus on progress, not perfection.

      When ready, make your move.

      And trust your preparation

      Othuke Uyeri, Victor Okwara and Graham Heldreth
      1 Comment
      • Thank you @tojewunmi for sharing these insightful tips for making a career change. As someone who transitioned from a Business Analyst to a Scrum Master, I can certainly relate to the feelings of apprehension and uncertainty that come with such a significant shift.

        Your advice resonates deeply with me, especially the emphasis on assessing skills, networking, upskilling, and seeking mentorship. These steps have been instrumental in my own journey towards becoming a Scrum Master today.

        I couldn’t agree more with your encouragement to embrace the journey, focus on progress, and trust in our preparation. It’s all about taking those small steps forward, one at a time.

        Thank you again for your valuable contribution to the community, and I look forward to learning and growing together as we navigate our agile careers.
