• Are you trying to network for a job but feeling discouraged because your contact hasn’t responded?

      Don’t worry, it happens to everyone. Sometimes, people just don’t respond. Life happens, inboxes get full, and messages can get lost in the shuffle. Don’t take it personally!

      Here’s what you can do to increase your chances of getting a response: 

      👉Wait a week (yes, a full seven days) and then send a friendly follow-up message. 

      👉Keep your message light, keep it positive, and most importantly, keep it you. If they still don’t respond, it’s time to move on and reach out to someone else who might be able to help. Remember, persistence is key, but so is knowing when to pivot.

      Many of my clients and colleagues have landed interviews and jobs simply by mastering the art of the follow-up. Here’s a simple follow-up template to help you get started:

      Hey [Name],

      I hope you’re doing well! Just wanted to follow up on my previous message. I’m eager to learn from your experiences in [specific field/industry], and any advice or resources you could share would be amazing. I know life can get busy, so no worries if you can’t respond right away.

      Thanks so much for your time and consideration. Looking forward to hearing from you!


      [Your Name]

      P.S. For more outreach templates, comment ‘me’.




      Malhar Markandeya, Nelson Ingle and 2 others