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Mar 11

C3G – Project Management subgroup – Weekly VIRTUAL Meeting – Tuesdays 10am

March 11 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am EST

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Host: Frank Hartman

I look forward to seeing you at our weekly Virtual C3G-PM meetingthis Tuesday.   See ZOOM Call details and URL, below.

SUMMARY: The C3G PROJECT / PROCESS MANAGEMENT group is an Atlanta-based, networking sub-group of C3G (Christ-Centered Career Groups). We focus on people interested in careers as PROJECT or PROCESS MANAGERS, but we welcome all.

APPROACH:  We encourage all members to come with a “What can I do for Others” attitude, rather than “What can Others do for me”.  It just WORKS.

LOCATION:  We meet every Tuesday from 10:00-11:30[ish] AM on ZOOM, virtually.  See details, below.

AGENDA: To discuss and share job search strategies, leads, contacts, trends, and opportunities within the PROJECT MANAGEMENT field. Each member can present their elevator speech and target companies/positions, exchange leads/contacts, and be accountable to one another. The group is an open forum for information, encouragement, and support for PROJECT MANAGEMENT job seekers.

Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns at  Frank@Hartman.net

Thanks, . . . have a very Blessed Week.

Frank Hartman, PMP
Sr. IT Project Manager … for Projects that Matter 


Adding Value to People and Business through Responsible Project Leadership

C3G PM Zoom Meeting

10 AM Eastern – Tuesdays

Plan to join the meeting, a few minutes early, using the following option on ZOOM.

(1) Join Zoom Meeting Via Link   (Best Option)


Meeting ID: 867 4455 2002

Password: 896955

NOTE:  You may use this option via Laptop, Desktop, iPad or similar, iPhone, Android or similar.
