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Biography / Calendar


Business Agility Consultant with 14 years of experience leading organizational and agile transformations for several industries clients, service towers, internal departments and teams in more than fifteen different countries.

Agile Alliance Brazil board member, Agile Brazil Chairman, Agile Coach Camp Chairman, Caipira Ágil Chairman, Agile Campinas Founder. Organizer for Agile Events and Communities with Global reach.

Recognized trainer and facilitator with thousands of people being developed in the most varied areas such as High-Performance Leadership, Design Thinking, Agile Principles and Practices, Kaizen and Continuous Improvement, Kanban, Flow Metrics and Client Experience.

Performance indicators and metrics specialist with large experience in implementing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Balanced Scorecard (BSC) and Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) leading teams to new levels of results.

Insightful Coach and Mentor for teams and individuals. Main mentored areas: Open Innovation, Business Agility, Agile and High-Performance Teams, Kaizen and Continuous Improvement, Performance Management, Value Streams and Agile Development.