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Biography / Calendar


Angela M. Gair is a marketing expert and Scrum Master who is passionate about authentic storytelling and making the world a better place. Her innate ability to “see a need, fill a need” has allowed her to leave a positive impact on every project she works on. Angela has a strong focus on Agile methodologies and project management, and she believes in the power of collaboration and continuous improvement. As a servant leader, she fosters a sense of community and builds strong relationships in the workplace. Her experience as a film producer has taught her to be adaptable and thrive in a fast-paced, dynamic industry. With her positive attitude, superb organizational skills, and impeccable integrity, Angela delivers outstanding customer experiences that keep customers coming back for more.I thrive in an environment that’s all about making things happen and seeing positive change come to life. I want to build a community of like-minded folks who share the same drive for excellence and inspire each other to be the best versions of ourselves.