Hector Kott posted an update 7 months ago
7 months ago (edited)
Hello! Glad to be here. Just want to share my youtube channel, would be glad to connect with you all, I have some interviews in English. I am based in Guadalajara, México. If you visit here, I can help. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H01xt-9_gL0&list=PLhxn-E4vHlmXyx6wSkKNowCwx5AWsn18e
rohand13, Michael Tardiff and 4 others3 CommentsView more commentsWelcome @HectorKott , we are glad you have joined us. I love your channel. Thank. you for sharing it with the Simply Agile Community. I just watched the @DianaOfPortland interview, and despited having known Diana for years, I learned so much. Thank you!
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