
  • Quick reminder that we have an agile coaching dojo session tomorrow at 4 PM EDT. If you are looking for a safe and supportive environment to practice and sharpen your agile coaching skills, this is the place to be! Great people, virtual meeting, and a free event!

    You can sign up here to join us: …

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    Sarah Smith, akwasi and 4 others
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    • Hey Simply Agile Community, don’t miss this opportunity to join the agile coaching dojo session tomorrow. Make lasting connections with great people, and you can’t beat free!

    • Quick reminder that we have an agile coaching dojo session tomorrow at 4 PM EDT. If you are looking for a safe and supportive environment to practice and sharpen your agile coaching skills, this is the place to be!

      You can sign up here to join us: https://www.meetup.com/philadelphia-area-agile-coaching-dojo/events/302520352/

      Graham Heldreth, Victor Okwara and Tolu Ojewunmi
    • ¿Cómo te aseguras de que las métricas de tu equipo son las más adecuadas y de que se logran buenos resultados🧐?

      En mi caso, me enfoco en hacer que las reuniones de planificación sean más fluidas y menos tediosas. Para ello, durante el actual sprint en ejeción organizo reuniones estratégicas con los CEOs, donde definimos las prioridades del…

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      Guillermo Aguirre Gómez, Community Carol (Carol McEwan) and 4 others
      1 Comment
      • Great approach! Aligning priorities early on is key. I focus on continuous feedback loops and involving end-users in the process. This helps us ensure that we’re always adding real value to our products.

      • 🚀 Project Management Reimagined: The AI Revolution is Here! 🚀

        Picture this: You’re juggling multiple projects, deadlines are looming, and your team is feeling the pressure. You’re constantly switching between spreadsheets, Gantt charts, and endless email threads, trying to keep everything on track. It’s exhausting, right?

        Now imagine having…

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        kerain shah, Community Carol (Carol McEwan) and 2 others
        • Love this line “The question isn’t whether AI will impact project management; it’s how quickly you’ll embrace its potential.”

          I think this rings true for every sector in the workforce. Embrace the challenges and change that are coming and you will be miles ahead of the people who don’t.

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        • All the points mentioned above critical, comsuming massive time and brain power. PM would grab hard AI tools if it could reduce the mundane work and enable PM focus ensuring projects success. Failure and success of implementation has huge bearing on orgnizations which invested large capital funds. Any AI tools that can help to ensure…

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          • In Agile, delivering business value is often prioritized, but not at the cost of technical excellence. This delicate balance is critical, as focusing too heavily on one can undermine the other. Agile teams are constantly challenged to deliver features that provide immediate business value while also ensuring the long-term sustainability of…

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          Tolu Ojewunmi and Graham Heldreth
        • Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

          Tolu Ojewunmi posted an update 3 weeks ago

          3 weeks ago (edited)

          Stop Holding Yourself Back: Embrace the Unknown and Grow

          Often, we become our own biggest critics and barriers to success:

          • Fear of rejection paralyzes us.
          • Doubts about our abilities creep in.
          • We believe we’re not ready or experienced enough.

          It’s time to challenge and overcome these self-imposed limitations. Here are seven common beliefs you…

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          Community Carol (Carol McEwan), Graham Heldreth and 3 others
        • Job Search Sucks!

          Job searching often feels like hitting a wall.

          Apply, apply, apply, and wait.

          What if you could track real progress?

          Imagine consistent feedback.

          Every day brings new learning.

          Four weeks in, you’re 40% there.

          By week 10, expect to land a great job.

          It feels less frustrating this way.

          Here are 5 ways to get there:

          • 𝑷𝒊𝒄𝒌 𝒂 𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒄 𝑱𝒐𝒃…

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          Graham Heldreth, Victor Okwara and Tolu Ojewunmi
        • Unlocking Agile’s Hidden Gems: How AI Transforms Retrospectives

          Ever feel like your retrospectives are just scratching the surface? We gather, we brainstorm, we identify areas for improvement… but are we truly maximizing the potential of these valuable sessions?

          Enter AI: The Retrospective’s New Best Friend. 🤖

          Artificial Intelligence…

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          Nelson Ingle, Community Carol (Carol McEwan) and 3 others
          • Sentiment Analysis sounds exciting, could you suggest how do we go about doing it? Thanks

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        • Busting the Myth: AI Won’t Replace Your Agile Team (And Here’s Why)

          Picture this: A world where robots rule the workplace, cold calculations replace human creativity, and Agile teams are a distant memory. Sounds like a sci-fi nightmare, right?

          Let’s face it, the fear of AI taking over jobs is real. But when it comes to Agile teams, it’s simply…

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          Nelson Ingle, sirjuaco and 4 others
          • I remember when computers first became mainstream, and everyone said they’d replace paper—yet here we are still using both. The same goes for AI. It’s not about replacing us but empowering us to work smarter. We’ve been using AI in various forms for years without even realizing it. As AI advances, it complements rather than replaces older tools…

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          • I am align, AI to support and empower us to make better decision that takes much of our time and energy. I extensively deploy AI to assist checking my project schedule, checking calculations and drafting emails. I’m sure AI will complement Agile in a way we haven’t thought yet. It’s time to outsource routine works to AI

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        • Importance of Continuous Learning in Agile

          In Agile, continuous learning isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a necessity. Here’s why it matters and how to make it part of your routine:

          • Stay Relevant: Agile practices evolve. Keeping up with new tools and techniques ensures you stay on top of your game.
          • Boost Your Skills: Regular learning helps you…

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          Victor Okwara, Community Carol (Carol McEwan) and 2 others
          1 Comment
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