• The season’s are changing here in the Midwest, bringing refreshingly cooler temperatures.

      Every year our children love an annual outing to a nearby apple orchard and farm. We have a children’s book about a family who lives in a city and takes a day trip to an orchard, and every fall my children begin reading that book and looking forward to our annual outing. They love feeding the animals and have a great time picking apples. On the way home we picnic by a river and eat apples and sandwiches. The remaining apples? Just the like book: we make into applesauce.

      It’s a wonderful time in nature with family – and just today we are working to schedule/plann our outing for Tuesday of next week.

      Sometimes special time/self care/connection with those who are important to us requires planning and scheduling to make it happen. It’s worth it. Do it. Make sure you have meaningful time and connections on your calendar.

      • Thanks for sharing @cmax . Well said! (I love fall and pumpkin carving.)

        • Thank you @cmax for sharing such a heartwarming post! 🍂 It sounds like your annual outing to the apple orchard and farm is a cherished tradition for your family. The way you describe your children’s excitement and the picnic by the river is just delightful. 😊

          You’re absolutely right – sometimes, planning and scheduling those special moments is the key to ensuring they happen. It’s these moments that create beautiful memories and strengthen the bonds within our families. 🍎💕

          • @cmax love it – quality family time is one of the best ways to practice selfcare and fill your cup! regularly prioritizing and planning for it is certainly worth the investment.