Nelson Ingle posted an update
Loved today’s MWM: PITCH
John Maxwell is a leader worth following – he says:
Everything starts with a pitch—whether it involves a sales presentation, idea, or question.
A person who pitches, initiates and has control. They are proactive instead of reactive.
#jobseekers #job #sales #pitch
As a job seeker – In case you are wondering,
or just didn’t realize, you are now in the sales season of your life.
Yes, Sales!
It can be scary – but don’t worry;
You are not alone, my team are I are here to help you succeed.
Have you prepared your 30-second elevator pitch?
How do you compare to your competition?
Are you ready to pitch?
Just remember – practice makes progress.
Feel free to practice by sharing your pitch here in comments below ⬇️