• Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

      Job searching often feels like hitting a wall.

      Apply, apply, apply, and wait.

      What if you could track real progress?

      Imagine consistent feedback

      Every day brings new learning.

      Four weeks in, you’re 40% there.

      By week 10, expect to land a great job.

      It feels less frustrating this way.

      Here are 5 ways to get there:

      1. Pick a Specific Job Title and Company Profile:

      Be specific, not general.

      Example: “Social Media Coordinator at a <50 employee startup”

      It gets more referrals than “online marketing.”

      2. Use LinkedIn for Informational Interviews:

      Find people in your dream job.

      Ask about their experiences.

      You’ll get insights and possibly referrals.

      3. Evaluate and Network:

      If the job fits, network.

      If not, revise your job title and repeat.

      4. Network Aggressively:

      Email contacts bi-weekly.

      Connect with hiring managers.

      Attend meetups. Specific requests get more responses.

      5. Leverage Interviews for Feedback:

      Post-interview, ask contacts for feedback.

      Improve continuously until you land the job.

      This approach is structured

      And hopefully less anxious

      You know your progress at any point.

      It’s likely to land you a better job than the traditional resume blast.

      Hope that helps

      #JobSeekers #JobHunting #CareerAdvice

      Graham Heldreth and Nelson Ingle
      1 Comment
      • a structured approach will help get you closer to your goals, and be patient with yourself throughout this process