• Profile photo of Stephanie Cully

      Stephanie Cully posted an update

      2 months ago (edited)

      Have you ever noticed that some of the best networking happens in the most unexpected places? I used to think I had to wait for official networking events to talk to people, but I’ve found that some of the most meaningful connections happen around the watercooler or in the hallways during breaks.

      One of my favorite strategies is to make the most of every opportunity. For example, I always make it a point to go to breakfast early at conferences. Getting there early gives me plenty of time to mingle and chat with other attendees. It’s amazing how a simple conversation over coffee can turn into a valuable connection!

      So next time you’re at a conference, don’t wait for the scheduled networking events. Strike up a conversation with the person next to you while waiting for your session to start or while grabbing a snack. You never know where these casual chats might lead.

      Have you ever made a great connection in an unexpected place? Share your stories in the comments below!

      Check out my latest episode on how to turn conferences into job offers: https://open.spotify.com/episode/6Bwuy9Z1ftcBkgnWVoOOom?si=TltntFBCQ9msf58lY93mcA




      rohand13, Graham Heldreth and 2 others
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