• Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

      Tolu Ojewunmi posted an update

      a year ago

      🌟 Sharing Ideas, Learning, and Connecting on SimplyAgile! 🌟

      Are you wondering what kind of content to share on SimplyAgile? Here are some great ideas to get you started:

      1️⃣ Inspirational Articles: Share links to articles, blog posts, or videos that inspire you and could bring value to others.

      2️⃣ Knowledge Sharing: Share your latest learning experiences, whether it’s a new skill, industry insights, or a fascinating book you’ve read.

      3️⃣ Ask Thoughtful Questions: Post questions you’re curious about or need clarity on. Engage with the community and tap into a diverse range of perspectives.

      4️⃣ Share Lessons: Reflect on past experiences and share valuable lessons you’ve learned. Your insights might be just what someone needs to hear.

      5️⃣ Resource Sharing: If you come across useful tools, apps, or resources, share them! Helping others discover valuable resources is always appreciated.

      6️⃣ Celebrate Achievements: Whether it’s a professional milestone or a personal accomplishment, share it with us. We’re here to cheer you on!

      Remember, by sharing, you’re not only contributing to the community’s growth but also building your own network and knowledge. So, let’s engage, learn, and create a vibrant community together! 🚀🌿 #SimplyAgile #CommunityEngagement #ShareAndLearn

      • Love it! Thank you Tolu for sharing!

        • New members,
          Tolu has has shared some excellent tips for you to start posting and start building your influence within our community.

          • Hey Job Seekers –
            Having a current resume alone is not enough!

            Please be sure to follow these tips and start building your influence ASAP!

            Think of it as investing in building your own personal brand.

            Remember, You have to do your part –
            Think about it as doing your homework and being prepared, as if you were looking from the lens of a jobprovider.

            As recruiters in our community click thru your profile page and notice an incomplete profile and blank timeline – what do you think it communicates to them?
            Is that the best representation of yourself?
            Is that what you would want to see when looking for a high-performer?

            It’s your choice!

            You can choose to be unprepared.
            Or, you can choose to invest in building your personal brand.

            Which will you choose?