• It’s short notice, but anyone who wants to get their Professional Scrum Master II (PSM2) certification before year end is welcome to join an exam prep class I’m teaching that starts on Tuesday.

    No charge to join the class. Of course the exam costs 250USD. Also, you’ll need a little udemy set of practice questions to complete assignments in…

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  • If your organization uses Confluence, and you are not a Miro whiz, read on…

    Have you heard about Confluence’s new beta Whiteboard capability? Are you interested in testing the feature but can’t figure out how to turn it on?

    You’re not alone.

    The three main Atlassian pages about the new Whiteboard feature have some really good…

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  • The season’s are changing here in the Midwest, bringing refreshingly cooler temperatures.

    Every year our children love an annual outing to a nearby apple orchard and farm. We have a children’s book about a family who lives in a city and takes a day trip to an orchard, and every fall my children begin reading that book and looking forward to…

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    • Thanks for sharing @cmax . Well said! (I love fall and pumpkin carving.)

      • Thank you @cmax for sharing such a heartwarming post! 🍂 It sounds like your annual outing to the apple orchard and farm is a cherished tradition for your family. The way you describe your children’s excitement and the picnic by the river is just delightful. 😊

        You’re absolutely right – sometimes, planning and scheduling those special moments… Read more

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      • This story is about transparency. And it very recently happened to me.

        We know that transparency is important in Scrum. As a Scrum Master, it’s a value I work to promote within my teams. And the best way to promote a value is to live it out. Yet transparency isn’t always easy.

        Case in point.

        On Monday, I made a mistake with the guidance I gave to…

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        • @cmax Love it! Transparency helps build trust – Brilliant example of your leadership skills!

          I believe the best way to lead is to lead by example, and you demonstrated it beautifully.
          Keep leading my friend!

          • Thanks for sharing @cmax your authenticity is refreshing!

          • Last week I had an onboarding meeting with @tojewunmi . With as busy as I’ve been lately (coaching PSM2, helping a few clients with their website/SEO/ecommerce, working on my degree, etc.) I wasn’t sure I would have time. But, the onboarding meeting didn’t take as long as I was thinking it would take, and it was helpful. I learned a lot…

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            • Thank you @cmax for your kind words. We had a great conversation and I appreciate your feedback. I look forward to hearing about all your success! 🎉

              • @cmax Amazing – Christopher thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience!
                We are blessed to have Tolu and Charlene on our Simply Agile Team!

                As you are putting in the work, please continue to carve out time for your selfcare. Wishing you success in your journey ahead!

              • Hi All, I’m new here – I just listened to Charlene’s talk the other day about creating working agreements (very helpful and worth listening to you if you don’t have experience creating team working agreements (I can post the link if anyone is interested). I then connected with Charlene on LinkedIn and she invited me to join here.

                I haven’t…

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                • @cmax Amazing! thank you so much for introducing yourself and being willing to serve and pay it forward to our community members. Let’s connect – love to learn more about you!

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                • @cmax Thank you so much for your kind words! Welcome to our community!