• Profile photo of Nelson Ingle

      My cup is filled to the brim and overflowing! 🔥

      Great learning experience to connect with community leaders shaping the future at Leadership Labs today. We filled our cups, so now we can pour into our teams and communities.

      Amazing to meet two leaders who have inspired me and shaped my leadership journey.

      Andy Stanley is an exceptional communicator, pastor, and leader.

      Andy has created and leads North Point Community Church, which provides a welcoming experience for unchurch people, and a nurturing experience for families. My kids are blessed in Upstreet and Transit when leaders pour into them every Sunday.

      Andy has inspired me to become a better Jesus follower, husband, father, and leader to my team and Simply Agile community.

      Charles Duhigg is a Pulitzer Prize winning author.

      Charles inspired me in his book – The power of habit, to build a keystone habit.

      January 2021 I began investing in my selfcare by exercising 7 of 7 days a week; and this month it will be 1,200 consecutive days of selfcare and counting …

      As Andy says, it’s impossible to pour from an empty cup!

      I encourage you to keep investing in filling your cup often;

      so that you can continue pouring into those in your care.

      Keep learning, keep growing, and keep leading 🚀

      #leadershiplabs #northpointcommunitychurch

      #leadership #selfcare #futureoftech #simplyagile

      OFORMA CHINEKE, Kevin Rush and 4 others