• Approaching metrics the right way can set you up for success for any value delivery.

    Using the following approach, your metrics lineup will be tailor made to take advantage of all of the powerful insights of quality information.

    🚨 First, take a holistic review of the teams who are tasked with your delivery. Understanding the teams, from a…

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    • Also remember… Metrics are the beginning of the conversation. Valuable metrics are those that bring clarity. Lastly, make sure you are measuring the right things for the right reasons.

    • How do we define value?

      Over time, there has been an interesting trend in the Agile community. While there is still certainly a focus on delivering quickly, learning, and repeating experiments, we are now placing the lens of value delivery on top of this thinking.

      What consequences does this have for our delivery plans as a whole? It forces us…

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      • Love this @novawood . Defining value remains one of the most challenging aspects of Agile delivery. It’s crucial to emphasize that users, not just the deliverers, drive true value. Understanding their needs is the key, and it’s refreshing to see this reminder. Let’s keep user-centricity at the forefront of our Agile approaches!

        • @novawood value is derived for those who actually USE the product – love it!

          Currently the dysfunction in agile is that we have forgotten about putting the customer first

          Thanks for reminding us that it’s always about the customer!

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        • Metrics don’t matter.

          It’s true! They don’t matter at all for most organizations. This is because in many situations, the data that is informing the metrics is absolutely terrible.

          All of the Tableau graphs, JIRA rollups, and meticulously researched executive reporting decks out there are worse than useless, since they don’t tell the real…

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          • Thanks for sharing @novawood

            Metrics often fall short due to poor data. Understanding data generation is vital.

            Standardizing tools and workflows improves data quality. Focus on OKRs and let data inform progress.

            Metrics shouldn’t punish but offer improvement opportunities. Shift focus to clean, concise data for continuous improvement.

            • Thought-provoking! Thanks for sharing Tyler!

              What are some of the most common pitfalls you’ve observed or experienced in metric reporting?

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