Nelson Ingle posted a new event. a week ago
STA-CTM: Tuesday March 11, 7pmHost: Reina Lingle You are invited to join us on Tuesday, March 11th beginning with networking at 7:00 PM. Come hear Frank Borovsky share his…
Nelson Ingle posted an update 2 weeks ago
Hey Everyone – Happy Friday! 🥳
Good news – a new version of our mobile app for both Google and Apple is now live on the app stores! 🔥 🚀
Please take a moment to install the new update as it contains some bug fixes to enhance the performance and user experience.
Victor Okwara, lashena and Malhar Markandeya1 CommentSearch ‘Simply Agile’ on the Google Play and Apple App stores to download the new update.
*Note – if you see any errors, delete the app and download a fresh install.
**Message me if you get stuck or have any questions, I am happy to help you troubleshoot 😎
Nelson Ingle posted a new event. 3 weeks ago
RUMC Job Networking: Monday February 24MONDAY, February 24, 2025, 1:00 – 8:00 p.m. HOST: JAY LITTON For complete information, full agenda, and to register,…
Nelson Ingle posted a new event. 3 weeks ago
Atlanta Jobseekers - Friday 7:30amHost: Joel Richardson JobSeekers meets every Friday at 7:30 AM Our meetings are held on Zoom and always follow this approximate agenda: -7:30 AM: Welcome,…
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