• Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

      Genuine Connections Matter

      Building a network isn’t just about numbers.

      The real power lies in forging authentic relationships.


      ↳ Effective networking is reciprocal

      ↳ Think about how you can offer value to others, not just what you can gain.

      Personalize Your Approach

      ↳ Generic messages won’t cut it.

      ↳ Personalizing your communication can make a world of difference.

      The Power Of Follow-Up

      ↳ Don’t let potential connections fade away.

      ↳ Following up is crucial for turning encounters into opportunities.

      Embrace Diverse Networks

      ↳ Don’t limit yourself to familiar circles.

      ↳ Branching out can bring fresh ideas and perspectives.

      Be An Active Listener

      ↳ Good networking is as much about listening as talking.

      ↳ Show genuine interest in others’ viewpoints

      Cultivate Long-Term Bonds

      ↳ Networking isn’t just for immediate benefits.

      ↳ Invest in long-term relationships for sustained support.

      Social Media With Substance

      ↳ Beyond connecting, actively engage and contribute on social platforms.

      Clear Networking Goals

      ↳ Approach networking with specific goals in mind…

      ↳ Try to avoid just aimlessly sending connection requests.

      Find Opportunities Everywhere

      ↳ Networking opportunities are all around, not just in professional settings.

      ↳ Be open to finding them in unexpected places.

      What’s Your Biggest Networking Lesson?

      Tolu Ojewunmi, Graham Heldreth and Nelson Ingle
      1 Comment
      • Love it! Thanks Tolu for sharing!

        My biggest networking lesson is – provide value.

        Uncover what’s in it for them.