• Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

    Tolu Ojewunmi posted an update a year ago

    a year ago (edited)

    The Value of Having a Coach in Either Your Career or Business

    Imagine having a personal trainer who could help you reach your fitness goals. They would help you create a personalized plan, provide motivation and support, and hold you accountable for your progress.

    A career coach can do the same thing for your career or business. They can help…

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  • 🌟 Feeling Down After Rejections? 🌟

    We get it; job rejections and failed interviews can feel discouraging. But here’s the secret: they’re stepping stones, not roadblocks! 🚀

    💪 Don’t Give Up: Rejections are part of the journey to success. They teach you resilience, determination, and the art of improvement.

    🔥 Keep Learning: Use each experience to…

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    • don’t give up – keep working towards your ambitious goal!
      keep putting in the work – success is coming your way soon!

    • 🚀 Finding the Balance: Consistency vs. Innovation 🚀

      In the fast-paced world of business, two forces often collide: Consistency and Innovation. Let’s break it down with a simple analogy.

      🛤️ Imagine your business is a train track. Consistency is the sturdy rails that keep your train on course. It’s the reliability your customers love.

      🚀 Innovation,…

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    • 🚀 Unlock Your Goals One Small Habit at a Time! 🚀

      Ever felt overwhelmed by a big goal? Whether it’s shedding pounds, mastering a new language, or launching a business, remember this: you don’t have to tackle it all at once. The secret to success lies in cultivating small, manageable habits.

      Small habits are the building blocks of…

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    • Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

      Tolu Ojewunmi posted an update a year ago

      a year ago (edited)

      Learning is not just about you.

      It’s also about the people you can impact along the way.

      When you share your knowledge and skills with others, you’re not just helping them learn. You’re also making the world a better place.

      Here are a few ways you can share your knowledge and skills:

      • Share a post that inspired you.

      • Share an image.

      • Share…

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    • 🚀 Break Free from Self-Limitations: Believe in You! 🚀

      We all carry dreams and aspirations, yet often, we or others stifle them with self-doubt. Maybe we’ve been told it’s impossible, or we’ve convinced ourselves we’re not up to the task. But here’s the truth: you possess the power to achieve anything you set your sights on.

      The first step?…

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      • Failure is part of the process. If you are not failing – you are not trying hard enough to reach your ambitious goal.

      • Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

        Tolu Ojewunmi posted an update a year ago

        a year ago (edited)

        Why isn’t the Scrum Master called a Scrum Manager? 🤔

        The Scrum Master plays a vital role in the Scrum framework, but they’re not referred to as a manager for a good reason. The term “Scrum Master” was intentionally chosen to avoid the managerial connotations.

        Instead of being a manager, the Scrum Master’s role is to facilitate the Scrum process…

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      • I have personally experienced something like what happened in the video. It was a truly life-changing experience, and I am so grateful to be alive today.

      • Practice makes progress, not perfection.

        Ever wondered why some people seem to be naturally talented at certain things, while others have to work hard to get good?

        The answer is simple: practice.

        When we practice something, we are essentially training our brains to do it better. The more we practice, the stronger the neural pathways become, and…

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        • yes, agreed. goal should be progress not perfection.

          Whether you are trying to level up you agile skills, creating your personal brand, or building your coaching business in our community – you have to put in the work everyday. It may not make sense, and you may not see immediate success – but, be patient with yourself. Keep putting in the… Read more

        • Does agile fix everything?

          Agile development is a popular methodology for software development that emphasizes iterative and incremental delivery, continuous testing, and flexible response to change. But does agile fix everything?

          The short answer is no. Agile is not a magic bullet that will solve all of your problems. It is a framework that…

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