• It’s easier to be a bystander than to be a leader. But leaders make a difference.

    Leaders are the ones who stand up for what they believe in, even when it’s difficult. They are the ones who take risks and challenge the status quo. They are the ones who make things happen.

    If you want to make a difference in the world, be a leader. Don’t be a bystander.

    Paul Henman, Tim Beatty and 3 others
  • Big News for Agile 2024!

    Join us from July 22-26 in Dallas, Texas, for the Agile Alliance’s annual conference. As the Title Sponsor of Agile 2024, we’re excited to be at the forefront of an event that brings together Agile enthusiasts from around the world.

    Agile 2024 is your chance to explore the latest in Agile practices and connect with experts…

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    Victor Okwara, Teleza Daniels and 7 others
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  • Continuous learning is essential for career advancement.

    It provides adaptability, competitiveness, and fuels innovation.

    To embrace continuous learning, set clear goals, make it a habit, leverage resources, apply what you learn, and reflect and adjust.

    By committing to lifelong learning, you open doors to endless possibilities and ensure…

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    Tim Beatty, Nelson Ingle and Graham Heldreth
    1 Comment
    • Just as eating food often is necessary for your body, continuous learning will fuel you reaching your career goals

    • Hey job seekers,

      Company culture is crucial in finding the right opportunity.

      A great culture fit leads to happiness, growth, and increased productivity.

      It also promotes longevity in your career.

      To find the right fit, research the company, ask the right questions during interviews, and reflect on what you want in a workplace.

      Remember, a…

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      Malhar Markandeya, Paul Henman and 3 others
      1 Comment
      • Jobseekers – remember you are interviewing them just as much and if not more than they are interviewing you.

        Don’t settle for mediocre- make sure that company is the right fit for you.

      • Which Type of Leader Are You?

        Leadership Make or Break: Which Side of the Line Do You Fall On?

        When it comes to leadership, there are two distinct paths: those who deliver and those who destroy.

        It’s a choice we make daily, and the impact is profound.

        A Leader Who Delivers:

        – Inspires, empowers, and supports their team.

        – Encourages innovation,…

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        Graham Heldreth
      • Are you constantly racing against the clock, ticking off tasks from your never-ending to-do list, and feeling like you’re always a step behind? It’s time to pause and consider this: caring for yourself is not just a luxury—it’s a necessity.

        Think about it—how often do you prioritize your own well-being? If the answer is “not enough,” you’re…

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        Graham Heldreth and Nelson Ingle
      • Feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list?

        It’s time for a priorities makeover!

        Think of your priorities like a wardrobe –

        some things may not suit you anymore.

        Here’s a guide to revamping your priorities:

        1. Take stock of everything on your plate.

        2. Choose what aligns with your current goals.

        3. Get rid of tasks that don’t add value.

        4. Focus…

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        Community Carol (Carol McEwan) and Graham Heldreth
      • In today’s job market, soft skills are just as important as hard skills.

        Communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership are key areas to focus on.

        To improve these skills, practice active listening, seek feedback, embrace new experiences, and reflect on your interactions.

        By polishing your soft skills, you can stand out among…

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        Community Carol (Carol McEwan), abid112 and Graham Heldreth
      • Self-Care: It’s Not Just Bubble Baths and Face Masks (But Those Are Great Too!)

        Ever feel like life’s a juggling act? Self-care is your secret weapon to keep those balls in the air.

        Forget the one-size-fits-all approach. Self-care is all about YOU:

        • Body love: Exercise, healthy eats, sleep, and water are your body’s BFFs.
        • Feelings matter:

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        Graham Heldreth
      • Making a career change is daunting..

        But these 6 tips can ease your anxiety:

        Assess Your Skills:

        ↳ Evaluate your strengths. Identify skills and align them with new career options.

        Research and Explore:

        ↳ Research trends, roles, and required skills to gain clarity.

        Network and Connect:

        ↳ Attend events, join groups, and book calls to expand your…

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        Othuke Uyeri, Victor Okwara and Graham Heldreth
        1 Comment
        • Thank you @tojewunmi for sharing these insightful tips for making a career change. As someone who transitioned from a Business Analyst to a Scrum Master, I can certainly relate to the feelings of apprehension and uncertainty that come with such a significant shift.

          Your advice resonates deeply with me, especially the emphasis on… Read more

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