
  • How to Say NO Respectfully in Professional Settings

    Struggling to say no at work?

    Here are some simple tips to help you decline respectfully:

    • Be Direct and Polite: Clearly state your decision. Use phrases like, “I appreciate the offer, but I must decline.”
    • Explain Briefly: Provide a concise reason if necessary. “I have other commitments that…

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    Victor Okwara, kerain shah and 3 others
  • Monthly Agile Coaching Dojo - Lean Coffee Format

    Details During this meeting, we will be discussing agile coaching related topics in a lean coffee style discussion. This is intended as a safe space…

  • Building a High-Performance Team

    Creating a high-performance team is essential for achieving success.

    Here’s how to make it happen:

    • Hire the Right People: Look for individuals who not only have the skills but also fit your team culture. The right mix of talent and attitude is crucial.
    • Set Clear Goals: Ensure everyone understands the team’s…

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    Victor Okwara, kerain shah and 2 others
    • I would like to add another point, Emotional Intelligence. It’s how to manage and be in touch with team members and leaders feelings

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  • Hi Peeps here. I jus got this message from a contact of mine

    “Hey Gail! I have a random question, we have a UAE client that is looking for 2 Agile coaches but they have to be onsite. You don’t perhaps know of anyone based in Dubai that I can approach?”

    do you know of anyone I can link up?

    Victor Okwara, kerain shah and 4 others
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  • Handling Rejections in Your Job Search

    Job rejections sting, but they’re not the end of the road.

    Here’s how to cope and keep moving forward:

    • Reflect, Don’t Dwell: Take a moment to understand what went wrong, but don’t let it consume you. Ask for feedback and use it to improve.
    • Stay Positive: Every rejection brings you one step closer to the…

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    Community Carol (Carol McEwan), Graham Heldreth and 2 others
    1 Comment
    • Graham Heldreth (edited)

      I know it was really hard for me to not to take it personally. But, I realized each ‘no’ was just a step toward the right ‘yes.’

      Thanks for sharing!

    • Quick reminder that we have an agile coaching dojo session tomorrow at 4 PM EDT. If you are looking for a safe and supportive environment to practice and sharpen your agile coaching skills, this is the place to be! Great people, virtual meeting, and a free event!

      You can sign up here to join us: …

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      Sarah Smith, akwasi and 4 others
      1 Comment
      • Hey Simply Agile Community, don’t miss this opportunity to join the agile coaching dojo session tomorrow. Make lasting connections with great people, and you can’t beat free!

      • Quick reminder that we have an agile coaching dojo session tomorrow at 4 PM EDT. If you are looking for a safe and supportive environment to practice and sharpen your agile coaching skills, this is the place to be!

        You can sign up here to join us: https://www.meetup.com/philadelphia-area-agile-coaching-dojo/events/302520352/

        Graham Heldreth, Victor Okwara and Tolu Ojewunmi
      • ¿Cómo te aseguras de que las métricas de tu equipo son las más adecuadas y de que se logran buenos resultados🧐?

        En mi caso, me enfoco en hacer que las reuniones de planificación sean más fluidas y menos tediosas. Para ello, durante el actual sprint en ejeción organizo reuniones estratégicas con los CEOs, donde definimos las prioridades del…

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        Guillermo Aguirre Gómez, Community Carol (Carol McEwan) and 4 others
        1 Comment
        • Great approach! Aligning priorities early on is key. I focus on continuous feedback loops and involving end-users in the process. This helps us ensure that we’re always adding real value to our products.

        • 🚀 Project Management Reimagined: The AI Revolution is Here! 🚀

          Picture this: You’re juggling multiple projects, deadlines are looming, and your team is feeling the pressure. You’re constantly switching between spreadsheets, Gantt charts, and endless email threads, trying to keep everything on track. It’s exhausting, right?

          Now imagine having…

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          kerain shah, Community Carol (Carol McEwan) and 2 others
          • Love this line “The question isn’t whether AI will impact project management; it’s how quickly you’ll embrace its potential.”

            I think this rings true for every sector in the workforce. Embrace the challenges and change that are coming and you will be miles ahead of the people who don’t.

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          • All the points mentioned above critical, comsuming massive time and brain power. PM would grab hard AI tools if it could reduce the mundane work and enable PM focus ensuring projects success. Failure and success of implementation has huge bearing on orgnizations which invested large capital funds. Any AI tools that can help to ensure…

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            • In Agile, delivering business value is often prioritized, but not at the cost of technical excellence. This delicate balance is critical, as focusing too heavily on one can undermine the other. Agile teams are constantly challenged to deliver features that provide immediate business value while also ensuring the long-term sustainability of…

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            Tolu Ojewunmi and Graham Heldreth
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