• In an era of constant change and AI, the ability to pivot in your career is not just a skill

    It’s going to be a necessity…

    Work is evolving, demanding adaptability and resilience.

    Here’s how you can master the art of transitioning careers in the age of AI:

    𝐄𝐦𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐟𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: Continuously update your skill set,…

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    jazzmane, iain23 and 5 others
    • Reading this, this one idea popped up in mij brain: We. Need. To. Stop. Unlearning.

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  • Career Tips: Setting Realistic Career Goals

    Setting career goals is crucial, but it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the big picture. Here’s how to keep it real and achievable:

    1. Start Small: Break your ultimate goal into smaller, manageable steps. Instead of aiming to become a senior Agile coach in a year, focus on mastering one new skill at a…

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    rohand13, Victor Okwara and 3 others
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  • Welcome New Members!

    We’re so excited to have you here!

    Simply Agile is your place to share what you are learning, collaborate, and grow together in your Agile journey.

    Here’s how you can get started:

    • Learn More: Book a call with @Nelson or @cmcewan l and discover more about Simply Agile.
    • Engage: Share your insights, expertise, ask questions to…

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    certjoin, kerain shah and 9 others
  • Selfcare: Avoiding the Trap of Perfectionism

    Struggling with perfectionism can be exhausting. Here are some simple tips to help you break free from its grip:

    1. Set Realistic Goals: Aim for progress, not perfection. Break tasks into smaller, manageable steps and focus on completing them one at a time.
    2. Embrace Mistakes: Understand that mistakes…

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    sirjuaco, Victor Okwara and 4 others
    1 Comment
  • The Power of Delegation: Empowering Your Team

    Effective delegation is more than just assigning tasks—it’s about empowering your team. Here’s why it matters:

    1. Builds Trust: Delegating shows you trust your team’s abilities. Trust fosters a positive and productive work environment.

    2. Encourages Growth: Giving team members new responsibilities…

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    rohand13, Graham Heldreth and Tolu Ojewunmi
  • Hey All 👋

    Mobile apps for both Android and iOS are now working.

    We have pushed a new update which fixes the app crashing at launch. 

    Please reinstall the mobile app from the app store. 

    Thank you for your patience, have a great weekend!

    rohand13, Tolu Ojewunmi and 4 others
    1 Comment
  • Self-Care for Mental Health: Simple Steps to Take Care of Yourself

    Mental health struggles are real and can affect anyone. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health.

    Here are some simple yet effective self-care practices to help you maintain your mental well-being:

    1. Talk About It: Sharing your…

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    Community Carol (Carol McEwan), rohand13 and 3 others
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  • 7 Mistakes Mentees Make When Looking for Mentors

    Finding the right mentor can be transformative, but many mentees stumble along the way. Here are seven common mistakes to avoid:

    1. Not Being Clear About Goals: Without clear goals, it’s hard to find a mentor who can truly help you. Know what you want to achieve.

    2. Choosing Based on Title, Not Fit:…

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    rohand13, Victor Okwara and 3 others
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    • Love tip 3! Doing your homework on mentors gives you a huge advantage and a further way to connect, whether on a personal or professional level.

      • Sometimes we forget that mentorship isn’t just a one-way street; it’s a two-way exchange.

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    • Mistakes Individuals Make When Setting Career Goals

      Setting career goals is a fantastic way to steer your professional journey, but many people stumble over the same pitfalls. Here are a few common mistakes to avoid:

      1. Being Too Vague: Goals like “I want to be successful” sound great but lack direction. Aim for specific goals, like “I want to…

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      rohand13, Victor Okwara and 4 others
    • From Self-Deception to Self-Mastery: A Roadmap to Being Your Own Hero

      • Speaker: Michael Sahota
      • Date & Time: Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 3:45 PM – 5:00 PM
      • Location: Texas AB
      • Session Type: Workshop
      • Track: Energizing People & Teams
      • Learning Level: Experienced

      Session Description Join Michael Sahota to tackle the invisible barrier of self-deception.…

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      rohand13, Stephanie Cully and 4 others
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