• 97% of job seekers fail to make a good first impression with their cover letters.

    But thats a good thing..

    It means those who do it right stand out more.

    Successful applicants invest time in understanding the company deeply

    Here are four ways to stand out.

    • Customize your letter. It shows you’ve done your homework.
    • Start strong it proves you’re not…

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    Victor Okwara
  • Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

    Tolu Ojewunmi posted an update 4 months ago

    4 months ago (edited)

    Ever caught yourself or others overusing the phrase “I don’t know” at work?

    Words have power, especially in the workplace.

    Frequent use of “I don’t know” can subtly chip away at our confidence

    And portray a less proactive impression.

    Here is how to demonstrate initiative and drive with alternatives to “I don’t know”

    1. “Let me find that out for…

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    Sameer Bendre, Graham Heldreth and Nelson Ingle
    1 Comment
    • Brilliant tips Tolu!

      Exploring the unknown together is always better.

      When I worked at Apple, they had a culture of – I don’t know, let’s find out together.

    • Ever heard the saying ‘nothing in life is free’? Well, they clearly haven’t experienced Simply Agile’s Mentor Talks.

      Happy to feature another one of our Mentors this week:

      @sameer is an agile software delivery expert with over 25 years of experience.

      As a strategic leader and agile coach, he’s dedicated to fostering innovation and excellence in…

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      OFORMA CHINEKE, Nelson Ingle and Graham Heldreth
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    • Old career paths are dead.

      People that stick to the old ways end up unhappy, and feeling stuck.

      And that’s okay..

      It means those willing to change can really stand out.

      Here is why:

      — Now, anyone can learn anything online, breaking old barriers.

      — Flexible work is in, showing we don’t need the 9-to-5 grind.

      — Showing off your skills online can…

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      Sameer Bendre, Nelson Ingle and Stephanie Cully
    • Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

      Tolu Ojewunmi posted an update 5 months ago

      5 months ago (edited)

      Are these 7 soft skills killing your career growth?

      We’ve been taught to always be..

      ↳ Agreeable

      ↳ Positive

      ↳ And Available

      These traits can make us unnoticed, stressed, and stuck.

      Heres Our Logic:

      1. Excessive Agreeableness —> You’re overlooked for leadership roles.

      2. Constant Positivity —> You miss learning from mistakes if everything is…

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      Stephanie Cully, Nelson Ingle and Graham Heldreth
    • Working from home is either the best thing ever or a big mistake.

      Harvard Business Review found that people working from home are getting more done.

      “Businesses saw a 63% increase in productivity from remote workers,” the study says.

      Challenging the old idea that you need to be in an office to be productive.


      Here is the downside:

      — Less…

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      • Going on fully remote for four years and hybrid a few years before, I agree on the pros and cons. Apart from working in my PJs with my dog sleeping under my desk to focus on team, company, and clients – I have seen the following work:

        – Get some one-on-one time with not only your immediate team but also supervisors and some across the…

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        • View 1 reply
    • 65% of people say they’re unhappy with their job

      The solution is to make work more engaging

      Here’s a thought

      Old way

      • Annual performance reviews
      • Fixed 9-to-5 office hours
      • Top-down communication
      • One-size-fits-all training programs

      New Way

      • Continuous feedback loops
      • Flexible work schedules
      • Open, two-way communication channels
      • Personalized…

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      Pablo Soñez, Nelson Ingle and Graham Heldreth
      1 Comment
    • Ever walked out of a job interview feeling like something was just… off?

      The warning signs aren’t always waving flags…

      They’re hiding in plain sight.

      Here’s how to spot those red flags:

      1. Unclear Job Role?

      No clear answers on what you’ll be doing. Beware.

      When the goalposts keep moving it’s a recipe for frustration.

      2. High Turnover Talk


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      Pablo Soñez
    • Making a career change is daunting..

      But these 6 tips can ease your anxiety:

      Assess Your Skills:

      ↳ Evaluate your strengths. Identify skills and align them with new career options.

      Research and Explore:

      ↳ Research trends, roles, and required skills to gain clarity.

      Network and Connect:

      ↳ Attend events, join groups, and book calls to expand…

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      Chidinma Elsie Nwaduvu, Nelson Ingle and Graham Heldreth
      1 Comment
    • Every interview ends with a Q&A.

      But 99% of job seekers fail to leverage it fully.

      Here are 5 unique questions that will help you land more job offers

      What is the #1 challenge I will face in this role?

      ↳ Prepares you for what to expect.

      ↳ Better to now rather than in 10 months.

      Who wouldn’t thrive at this company/job?

      ↳ They know the traits they’re…

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      Nelson Ingle and Graham Heldreth
      1 Comment
      • Yes, one of my favorites is – What does success look like?

        feel free to tailor your question to the specific role you are looking for – example Scrum Master 😉

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