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  • Profile photo of Nelson Ingle

    Nelson Ingle posted an update in the group Group logo of LeadershipLeadership a week ago

    a week ago

    Building a High-Performance Team

    Creating a high-performance team is essential for achieving success.

    Here’s how to make it happen:

    • Hire the Right People: Look for individuals who not only have the skills but also fit your team culture. The right mix of talent and attitude is crucial.
    • Set Clear Goals: Ensure everyone understands the team’s…

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    Victor Okwara, kerain shah and 2 others
    • I would like to add another point, Emotional Intelligence. It’s how to manage and be in touch with team members and leaders feelings

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  • Profile photo of Nelson Ingle

    Nelson Ingle posted an update in the group Group logo of LeadershipLeadership 2 weeks ago

    2 weeks ago

    Time Management Tips for Busy Leaders

    As a leader, managing your time effectively is crucial. Here are some tips to help you stay on top of your game:

    • Prioritize Tasks: Focus on the most important tasks first. Use a to-do list to keep track and prioritize your day.
    • Delegate Wisely: You don’t have to do everything yourself. Trust your team with…

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    Victor Okwara, Community Carol (Carol McEwan) and 2 others
    1 Comment
    • Technology has been incredibly helpful for me, especially in making my work more efficient and productive.

    • Profile photo of Nelson Ingle

      Nelson Ingle posted an update in the group Group logo of LeadershipLeadership 5 weeks ago

      5 weeks ago

      7 Mistakes Mentees Make When Looking for Mentors

      Finding the right mentor can be transformative, but many mentees stumble along the way. Here are seven common mistakes to avoid:

      1. Not Being Clear About Goals: Without clear goals, it’s hard to find a mentor who can truly help you. Know what you want to achieve.

      2. Choosing Based on Title, Not Fit:…

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      rohand13, Victor Okwara and 3 others
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      • Love tip 3! Doing your homework on mentors gives you a huge advantage and a further way to connect, whether on a personal or professional level.

        • Sometimes we forget that mentorship isn’t just a one-way street; it’s a two-way exchange.

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      • Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

        Tolu Ojewunmi posted an update in the group Group logo of LeadershipLeadership 7 weeks ago

        7 weeks ago

        Finding the right balance between authority and approachability is key to effective leadership. Here’s how to do it:

        1. Be Confident, Not Overbearing: Assert your decisions with confidence, but avoid being domineering. Confidence inspires respect.

        2. Stay Accessible: Keep your door open for questions and concerns. When your team feels comfortable…

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        Stephanie Cully, Community Carol (Carol McEwan) and 4 others
        • Based on my experiments over the years, have learned the best way for me to balance between authority and approachability – is to visualize the conversation from my team members point-of-view.

          by asking questions like –

          How are they feeling right now?

          Are my actions helping or hindering us from achieving our goal?

          • And you do a great job at it @Nelson . I have seen you in action!

          • Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

            Tolu Ojewunmi posted an update in the group Group logo of LeadershipLeadership 8 weeks ago

            8 weeks ago

            How to Inspire and Motivate Your Team Every Day

            Keeping your team inspired and motivated daily is crucial for success. Here’s how you can do it:

            1. Show Appreciation: Regularly acknowledge and thank your team for their hard work. Genuine appreciation boosts morale and motivation.

            2. Set Clear Goals: Provide clear and achievable goals. When everyone…

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            Graham Heldreth, melissagonzales and 3 others
            1 Comment
          • Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

            True leadership isn’t about what you say, but what you do. Here’s why leading by example matters:

            1. Build Trust: When you walk the talk, your team sees you as reliable and trustworthy. They know you mean what you say.

            2. Inspire Action: Your actions set the standard. If you show dedication and hard work, your team is more likely to follow…

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            Graham Heldreth and Stephanie Cully
          • Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

            The Impact of Mentorship on Leadership Development

            Mentorship is a game-changer for aspiring leaders. Here’s why:

            1. Learning from Experience: Mentors share their real-world experiences, helping you navigate challenges and avoid common pitfalls.

            2. Personalized Guidance: Unlike generic advice, mentorship provides tailored insights specific to…

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            melissagonzales, Community Carol (Carol McEwan) and Graham Heldreth
          • Profile photo of Tolu Ojewunmi

            From Manager to Leader: Making the Transition

            Moving from a manager to a leader isn’t just a promotion—it’s a transformation. Here are some key shifts to consider:

            1. Focus on People, Not Just Tasks: Managers handle tasks; leaders inspire people. Get to know your team, understand their strengths, and support their growth.

            2. Communicate Clearly:…

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            applelaw20 and Nelson Ingle
            1 Comment
            • Love it! It was certainly a mindset switch for me transition from manager to a leader.

              I decided to stop asking for “approval” before taking action and leading forward.

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